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Share the TAHITIAN NONI® Juice story with friends! When we find a product or service that we really like, it is natural for us to tell our friends and other people we know. When we tell our friends about a product we think they would enjoy, we hope they will try it out. While our goal is helping our friends find and enjoy a product we like, wouldn't it be great if companies that benefited by our sharing our excitement with those we know, shared their profit with us? Today millions of people throughout the world have been introduced to TAHITIAN NONI® Juice and the other Tahitian Noni International products primarily by friends, business associates and others they know, with perhaps a bit of help by other advertising. About Morinda Tahitian Noni International, now Morinda Bioactives, markets nutritional, personal care and other consumer products through independent distributors in a network marketing structure. Tahitian Noni International began operations in the United States in July, 1996. Over the last 16 years, Morinda Bioactives has been more successful marketing and selling natural medicinal plant bioactives than any other company in the world, and has done over $4.5 billion worth of business. Today, every two seconds, someone, somewhere, enjoys a bottle of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice, yearly sales exceed $500 million. No other recent product has come to dominate its market so quickly and completely. With sales in 75 countries, about 1,000 employees, and about 300,000 independant product consultants, Morinda, Inc. is solidifying its position as the world leader in noni products, and continues to drive to new financial success as it takes TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to everyone, everywhere. In little time, this truly singular, beneficial, and exclusive product has become the industry standard and is helping the financial and physical health of millions. For more about Tahitian Noni International, watch a brief video about the history of Morinda (requires Windows Media Player). Connect via a 56 KB Modem or a Cable or DSL connection. Save money and get money back by sharing with friends Sharing the TAHITIAN NONI® Juice story, and what the juice has done for us is something we naturally want to do. Morinda makes it easy for those of us who like TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to become independent product consultants. Morinda only requires a small one time, thirty five dollar fee and a small minimum monthly commitment to sign up as an Independent Product Consultant. The great advantage is that Morinda makes its products available to independent product consultants at wholesale prices. Products are used by independent product consultants for retail sale, for personal use, or for sharing the Tahitian Noni International opportunity with others. If you wish to share the benefits and buy TAHITIAN NONI® Juice and other products at wholesale prices by becoming an independent product consultant for Tahitian Noni International products, please phone Richard at 818-843-2563 or Elizabeth at 818-831-9117. Information can also be obtained and you can even "sign up now" at the Tahitian Noni International website, select Opportunity, use referral code 1802462.
Morinda Independent Product
Consultant, ID #1802462. |